Linked Jazz Reviewed in the Journal of the American Musicological Society

Dr. Michael Heller, jazz scholar and musicologist at University of Pittsburgh, positively reviewed the work of Cristina Pattuelli and Linked Jazz for the Journal of the American Musicological Society’s Fall 2016 issue.


“The Linked Jazz project is to be highly commended for actively developing new computational tools by which to aid jazz historical work. By closely defining the object of analysis, methodically developing appropriateĀ digital tools, and doing so in close dialog with other current movements in information science (particularly LOD), the project is building a powerful and adaptable digital humanities tool with a tremendous degree of future potential. In addition, by making both the full data set and the source code of the software freely available through the open-source ‘MIT License,’ its designers make it possible for other programmers and researchers to build up-on those tools in any number of creative ways.”

– Michael C. Heller [1]

1. Heller, M.C. (2016). Review: Linked Jazz. Journal of the American Musicological Society, 69(3), 879-891. doi: 10.1525/jams.2016.69.3.879.