Author Archives: Bill Levay

Presentation on Linked Open Data for Digital Heritage at Columbia University

Linked Jazz Project Director Dr. Cristina Pattuelli presented her talk Linked Open Data for Digital Heritage: Opportunities and Challenges, at the Butler Library at Columbia University. The talk was sponsored by The Columbia Libraries Digital Humanities Center and the Digital Program Division and discussed the principles and methods of linked open data as well as the advantages and challenges of adopting a linked data approach to cultural data.

Updated Crowdsourcing Tool is Released

The latest version of Linked Jazz’s crowdsourcing tool, Linked Jazz 52nd Street, developed by Matthew Miller, has been released with a new design and a new name. The tool has been enhanced with a quick tutorial for first-time users, improved navigation, expandable transcript excerpts, and progress bars. Users can also visualize the connections they are making between jazz musicians in real-time.

Linked Jazz Network Visualization Tool Launches

Linked Jazz’s new visualization tool developed by Matt Miller visualizes the social connections between jazz musicians. Various modes allow the user to view the network in new ways. Fixed mode pins the individuals with the most connections to the outer perimeter. Free mode groups individuals together based on the number of connections they have. Similar mode arranges individuals based on their number of shared connections. Dynamic mode allows users to add individuals themselves and see their shared connections.